NPR Here & Now - 10/24/2023
A new toy certification is embracing mental and social health
A new toy certification that embraces mental, emotional and social health is resonating with a growing number of toy makers. It's called MESH, and is being used as a designation for toys that teach kids conflict resolution, problem-solving and adjusting to change, among other skills...
AP - 10/14/2023
Amid a mental health crisis, toy industry takes on a new role: building resilience
While still in its early phase, a growing number of toy marketers are embracing MESH — or mental, emotional and social health — as a designation for toys that teach kids skills like how to adjust to new challenges, resolve conflict, advocate for themselves, or solve problems.
The Toy Book - 2/22/2024
From the Editor: Why Elmo, Larry David, and the Mental Health Discussion are Important in the Toy Department
Products designed with mental health in mind do more than simply comfort kids in times of distress — they foster the development of skills that build resilience in kids and will set them up for the challenges of the future. Emotional well-being is important, and it’s a wonder that it has taken the toy and game industries so long to fully support it in a meaningful way.
Global Toy News - 8/1/2024
Have You Heard About MESH?
As we saw the growing mental health issues in our youth population, we learned that we – the toy industry – have an opportunity to make a real impact on kids’ lives and be part of the solution. We’re inviting everyone to join us in the MESH effort.
Today's Parent - 10/25/2024
Do Meditation Toys for Kids Really Work?
With an essential oil patch that retains fragrance and a super-soft texture, Tate is the ultimate sensory experience. The product is certified by MESH Helps, an organization identifying toys that promote mental, emotional and social resilience.
Rachele Harmuthe, board president of MESH Helps, says mediTATE scored strongly in developing communication and self-advocacy skills.
Toy Tales - 1/17/2025
The Friday Five - Rachele Harmuth
By collaborating with toy companies, educators, and mental health experts, MESH Helps raises awareness about the importance of play as a tool for emotional well-being. Through advocacy, partnerships, and providing resources, MESH Helps highlights the connection between play and mental health, empowering children to build lifelong resilience.