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Accredited products earn a lifetime MESH certificate and seal for physical and digital application and marketing. Products receive a MESH Accreditation report within 6 weeks of form submission, payment, and product receipt. Product submissions are accepted year-round for MESH Accreditation.
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Products are reviewed by child development experts and tested with children by our official accrediting body, FUNdamentally Children. FUNdamentally Children has adapted the research into the MESH Accreditation Framework that focuses on the 8 critical mental, emotional, and social health skills along with the 4 MESH Play Patterns that can intentionally build resilience detailed in the MESH White Paper to evaluate products. 
Fundamentally Children logo
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MESH Accreditation Pricing

STANDARD Review & Report

  • One-page summary report

  • Lifetime accreditation certificate & seal for physical and digital application

  • Company logo listed on

  • Product listed on U.S. MESH Toys Amazon Storefront

5 — 9
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ENHANCED Review & Report

  • Detailed report including feedback from child development specialists and PR quotes

  • Lifetime accreditation certificate & seal for physical and digital application

  • Company logo listed on

  • Product listed on U.S. MESH Toys Amazon Storefront

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1 — 4

Do you have product versions or derivatives (components/add ons/accessories) that you'd like included in your MESH Accreditation? Submit them for a discounted fee within 12 months of initial review!

  • VERSIONS - Product has the same play pattern, age grading, and only minor variations? We can review for a nominal fee of $30/product. 

  • DERIVATIVES - Toy or game can't be played without the core product, we can review for a nominal fee of $30/product. If the toy or game can be played independently, we can review for 50% of the review fee. 

For pricing and details, contact

MESH Accreditation Framework

Products age graded 3+ are evaluated using the MESH Helps Accreditation Framework to assess whether or not your toy or game* meets the following 3 criteria:
2 young girls doing a puzzle together
Basic Assessment Criteria
This criteria establishes whether your toy or game* is compliant with safety standards, ready-to-use, and does not promote violent or explicit content. Product must pass all 3 criteria to move on with the assessment for kids ages 3+. 
Young boy building with blocks
MESH Skills
To earn MESH Accreditation, your toy or game* must intentionally help children develop 2 or more MESH Skills to support the multidisciplinary approach that is core to building resilience.
  • Intrinsic Design: The product naturally fosters skill-building (e.g., puzzles encourage problem-solving).

  • Engaging Features: Built-in elements promote skill practice (e.g., a racetrack with two controllers encourages social play).

  • Guided Learning: Instructions or online resources provide structured ways to develop skills.

Young girl using a magnifying glass in the grass
This criteria reviews the level of engagement from children while interacting with your toy or game*. Product must have sufficient age-appropriate engagement qualities and produce desired effect/results of play. 
*MESH Helps currently evaluates toys and games for MESH Accreditation. Stay tuned for exciting updates as we expand to include books and digital entertainment!
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8 MESH Skills graphic
Research shows we can help build children's resilience through 8 crucial MESH Skills. 
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Problem Solving

The ability to consider possible solutions to a difficulty the child is experiencing

Perseverance icon

The act of returning to an obstacle to try again to overcome it.

Adaptation icon

To adjust oneself to different circumstances or requirements.

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Conflict Resolution

Identifying ways to find a peaceful resolution to a dispute.

Self-Regulation icon

The ability to recognize and manage 

emotions and behaviors in healthy ways

Self-Advocacy icon

The act of representing one's own self, experience, and interests to others.

Cognition icon

The abilities involved in perception, learning, memory, understanding, reasoning and judgement.

Communication icon

Tools for expressing and receiving information and interacting with others.

MESH watermarked accreditation seal
Where to use the MESH seal word cloud
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